My Lady


To the most valuable young lady I’ve ever met. To the most astounding lady in this world. To the most lovely and legitimate heavenly attendant that God has ever given to me. I trust and i supplicate that this admission would achieve your eyes and touch your heart. I’m only a straightforward kid who feels the bliss of your grin, the genuineness of the you take a gander at me, the awesome voice of yours, the trouble of your tears, the distress of your hush, the delight of your chuckle and the significance of your presence.

Christian Matchmaker – Christian Dating

I may not be your goodnight but rather you’ll generally be the motivation behind why i grin as i close my eyes. I may not be your great morning but rather you’re generally be the motivation behind why i woke up every day. I may not be your bestfriend but rather I’ll generally ensure you. I may not be your man but rather you’ll generally be the lady of my life. I may not be your King but rather you’ll generally be my Queen.

I might not have the looks but rather I’ll generally make you feel mollified. I might not have the cash but rather I’ll generally give you anything that i have. I may not be as keen as you are but rather i know how to treat you right. I may not be rich to purchase costly watch but rather I’ll generally give my opportunity to you. I may not be adequate but rather you’ll generally be all that anyone could need for me.

I may not be your “knight in sparkling defensive layer” but rather you’ll generally be my glad closure. I may not be your “i miss you” but rather my heart continues yelling your name. I may not be your “i cherish you” but rather I’m particularly eager to sit tight for that day to come. Also, i understand how great our God is, ’cause he permits a person like me to meet, see, touch, converse with, to hear and adore an Angel like you. – Latin Singles

Author: Poemas de Amor

Poemas de Amor is a collection of love quotes and poems for any love status. Enjoy!

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