Ugly Motive

lostThe inclination you get when you understand you were simply loved on the grounds that they need something from you. It takes a bit of your heart, little by little, until you don’t got anything left however pessimism and uncertainty. Also, since that is the way you comprehend connections, you shape yourself for them to like you, to feel required, on the grounds that you’re fouled up, you don’t understand that you simply must be you.

You don’t comprehend what a solid relationship is. All you realize that a relationship is chilly business, an exchange, subsequent to nobody would consider you important, loathe you and underestimate you since you’re not acceptable with magnificence models. You don’t generally need new connections since you trust that at last, they’ll simply utilize you, and it will hurt.

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My Forever


There are companions. At that point, there are closest companions. As indicated by “Dark’s Anatomy’s” Meredith Gray and Cristina Yang, they’re your individual. The person who, “on the off chance that I killed somebody, I’d call you to help me drag the body over the lounge room floor.” You’re a great deal more to me than any of those titles can express. As I’ve developed consistently, I’ve arrived at the conclusion that great companions with great hearts fill an unbelievably vital need in our lives, going well beyond what we give them credit and gratefulness for. The family we pick. You’re one of those. The day we met, I realized that you were going to assume an essential part in my life. What I had no clue about was that you would join the cast of my existence with a featuring part.

To begin with, I have to say much obliged. Much obliged to you for imparting your family to me, and tending to my family as though you were naturally introduced to it. Much obliged to you for persistently listening to the physical epitome of a broken record when I whine about the same kid I’ve adored subsequent to. Much obliged to you for not reconsidering before dialing when I message you “please make an effort to remain with me.” Thank you for never saying no to a “date” . Much obliged to you for never abandoning me. Much obliged to you for being my significant other. Continue reading “My Forever”

See You Soon!


We lost contact for as far back as years much sooner than we’re having a trade of messages for right around a year now. You just popped out in my life like that and in a moment, you changed everything. All things considered, I wouldn’t fret on the off chance that it’s not day in and day out. I wouldn’t fret not getting quick answers. I wouldn’t fret holding up. I wouldn’t fret the time distinction. I wouldn’t fret the separation.

You see? It’s the manner by which your charming messages fill my heart with joy complete and how you gave me the sort of grins that I can’t escape with. You make me chuckle damn hard even from the opposite side of the world. Can’t assist not to fell with your words and soften with the sugar-covered ones. I prefer not to concede however I appreciate and revere you, profoundly. Continue reading “See You Soon!”

Can’t Move On

move on

I’ve been continually considering how I can give up when there’s nothing of us to hang on. I adore you, yes. Also, that is slaughtering me. The way that I cherish you with my entire being, I adore you with all I have, that I adore you in spite of your defects and blemishes? Man, Mother Teresa would be so glad.

I promised to myself before that I’ll be alright in whatever that will make you cheerful, regardless of the fact that that you exclude me, yet hell fire… I didn’t realize that it would hurt this way. I didn’t realize that seeing you with her could slaughter my whole framework. Continue reading “Can’t Move On”

What If?

what_ifDays turned into years and I’ve never noticed that it was four years ago when I had my last relationship with someone that I used to love before. Someone I thought that our love as real and now become a lie. For just blink of an eye everything was change.

We are like strangers with some memories. We screwed, hate and stabbed each other but the bottom line there is that I still love her and I really do. There’s one question on keep bothering me like “What If’s” and now I’m thinking about the possibilities of what might happen if I had a chance to fight our relationship till the last of our journey. Continue reading “What If?”



“I think I’m falling for a friend. He is cute and I enjoy his company because he never fails to make me laugh, But I can’t trust my heart to stay that way because it would be like suicide. “


broken“She cherished every little thing about you, great and awful. She continued everything and traded off to make the relationship work and see you glad. She did the things that you need since she needed to be the best sweetheart you’ve ever had regardless of the fact that she knew she can’t be the ideal young lady for you. She was extremely tolerant and sacrificial. She was dependably there for you and attempted her best to comprehend your confounded identity.

In any case, you didn’t acknowledge what you had, you needed increasingly and became tired without understanding that you likewise have slips. You neglected to make your young lady feel that regardless you adore and value her. You are just so narrow minded thus brimming with yourself. You take and take giving so little consequently on the grounds that you knew the amount she cherishes you. Continue reading “Broken”